The most significant results in the area of global research were obtained in Western countries and in Russia.
Western Globalistics Initially, two directions were most clearly manifested in "Western globalistics":
- "technocratic"
- "technopessimistic"
Subsequently, their positions became closer and now this division can be taken very conditionally. Representatives of the
technocratic trend in solving global contradictions emphasize the broad possibilities of science and technology, place special hopes on scientific and technological progress, emphasize its importance and impact on society (T.Veblen, G.Kahn, D.Bell, E.Toffler, A.Touraine, A. Schaff, G.Friedrichs, N. Wiener, G.Scott, J.Naisbitt, E.Weizsacker, L.Lovins, R. Robertson, etc.).
Technopessimists" blame scientific and technological progress, large international capital, transnational corporations (G.Marcuse, D.Meadows, E. Giddens, K.Boulding, T. Friedman, T.Rozzak, M. Roberts, W.Beck, as well as numerous representatives of the "new left", "greens", "anti-globalists", etc.).
Russian globalistics In Russian science,
globalistics is represented by a number of areas that can be divided with a certain degree of conditionality into:
1. The "Philosophical–methodological and scientific–theoretical". Within its framework, the philosophical foundations, essence, genesis of global processes are investigated, the most important social, political and economic transformations that are necessary for the successful global problem-solving and underlying processes are analyzed. The works of V.I.Vernadsky, I.T.Frolov, N.N.Moiseev, V.A.Engelhardt, P.L.Kapitsa, E.K. Fedorov, N.N.Inozemtsev, D.M.Gvishiani, V.V.Zagladin, G.S.Khozin, I.B.Novik, I.V.Bestuzheva-Lad, Yu.V.Shishkov, A.S.Panarin etc.
2. The "Socio-natural" direction in global studies covers a wide range of problems, of which the greatest concern is the environment, the availability of commodities, energy, water, land etc. resources. Representatives of natural, technical, and social sciences, politicians, industrial workers, and public figures work closely in this field of research. Their efforts are aimed at developing principles and methods for optimizing the interaction of society and nature, ecologization of production and rational use of natural resources (A.L.Yanshin, N.F.Reimers, G.V.Dobrovolsky, M.I.Budyko, V.A.Kovda, Yu.A.Israel, A.S.Isaev, V.I.Danilov-Danilyan, I.I.Mazur, V.V.Snakin, E.V.Girusov, A.D.Ursul, V.A.Los, N.M. Mammadov, etc.).
3. "Culturological", which is focused on the problems of globalization arising in the field of scientific and technological progress, population, health, culture, law, education and other areas of public life (S.P.Kapitsa, N.S.Kasimov, G.S.Gudozhnik, E.A.Arab-Ogly, V.V.Petrov, B.C.Urlanis, A.V.Katsura, etc.).
In recent years, a new trend has emerged in globalism, showing that the attention of scientists, researchers and even politicians is increasingly shifting from individual global problems to the processes of globalization and the growing interdependence of the modern world. As an evidence it is possible to provide an argument of the growth of publications on this topic, in particular, in such specialized journals as:
– "The Age of Globalization";
– "Bulletin of the Moscow University. Series 27. Globalistics and Geopolitics".
Reference publications of the same name, which were prepared by a large team of scientists and specialists from more than fifty countries of the world, play a special role in the development and popularization of globalistics:
Globalistics: Encyclopedia / Editor-in-Chief I.I. Mazur, A.N. Chumakov; Center for Scientific and Applied Programs "Dialog". – Moscow: Raduga Publishing House, 2003.
Globalistics: An international, interdisciplinary, encyclopedic dictionary. / Gl. ed. I.I. Mazur, A.N.Chumakov. – M.-St. Petersburg.-New York: Elima, St. Petersburg, 2006.
Globalistics. Personalities, organizations, works. Encyclopedic reference book / Chief editors: I.V. Ilyin, I.I. Mazur, A.N. Chumakov. - M.: "Alpha-M". 2012. (Reissue - Moscow: Knorus, 2016.).
Global Studies Encyclopedic Dictionary. Edited by Alexander N. Chumakov, Ivan I. Mazour and William C. Gay. With a Foreword by Mikhail Gorbachev. Editions Rodopi B.V., Amsterdam/New York, NY, 2014. XI, 531 pp.
Global Studies Directory. People, Organizations, Publications. Edited by Alexander N. Chumakov, Ilya V. Ilyin and Ivan I. Mazour. Editions Brill / Rodopi, Leiden/Boston, 2017, 720 pp.
Encyclopedia of Global Studies / Editors Helmut K. Anheier, Mark Juergensmeyer. –SAGE Publications, Inc. California, USA, 2012. - 2072 p.